Pupil Premium Provision
If your child accesses Free School Meals either now or during the past six years, has previously been or is currently a Looked After Child or you are a Forces Family, we receive extra funding from the Government when they join our school. This is known as the Pupil Premium and is designed to allow schools to support these groups of students so that they achieve to the best of their abilities at school and then have enhanced life chances.
As a family you are entitled to free school meals if you access:
income support
income-based jobseeker’s allowance or Employment and Support Allowance
support under part VI (6) of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
the guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190)
Working Tax Credit run-on paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income not exceeding £7,400 (£616.67 per month).
You can register your child for free school meals here
We are fortunate to have an in-school provision called The Bridge which supports all our students at PGS, but with a greater focus of support for our Pupil Premium students. The Bridge is an extra level of support if / when your child needs it. We would like to introduce The Bridge Team: Graham Teasdale (Assistant Principal: Strategic Lead for Pupil Premium); Tracy Thornhill (Engagement Officer); Hannah Tyas (HLTA); Katie Lill (HLTA).
We would like this opportunity to explain in further detail about how The Bridge will support your child during their time at Penistone Grammar School.
Academic Support
The Bridge provides further specific academic support to help all students reintegrate into mainstream lessons. We understand at times students require a ‘soft touch’ with Miss Thornhill, Miss Tyas and Miss Lill creating a welcome and warming environment that nurtures our students. Our HLTAs role within The Bridge is to teach lesson content to students when accessing The Bridge until they are reintegrated back into the classroom. They also provide 1-1 support for our Pupil Premium students to improve numeracy and literacy, that will allow them greater access of the whole school curriculum.
According to research 60% of secondary school students skip breakfast every morning, but we are here to help. Within The Bridge, we have a grab and go breakfast option of cereal bars and fruit for your child to have if they miss breakfast. This will be available from 8am until 8:20 in The Bridge open space. This will be available from Monday 9th September.
As technology develops, so does the use of it in schools. Our main platform used by teachers and students is Microsoft Teams. Students will use the software to access and complete home learning (HL), access Year group and mentor notices. We are aware that other departments are using technology including the online platform; Educake. These platforms are available on mobile phones but the use of a larger device, for example a laptop is recommended. At Penistone Grammar School we can support your child if they require access to a laptop. If you require support with an electronic device, please contact Mrs Thornhill. Don’t forget your child can access HL clubs during lunch time and after school during the week too.
Lesson Resources
One of our key roles at The Bridge is to remove learning barriers with one of these being lesson equipment, for example pens, pencils and calculators to name a few. If your child’s equipment becomes lost, broken or even runs out, they can ask a member of staff in The Bridge, and they will provide resources to support your child’s learning. We also understand as your child progresses through the years; they will require GCSE textbooks. The Bridge will also provide support with these, in-particular in Year 10 when your child starts their GCSEs. Resources can be accessed from the Bridge staff.
Uniform/PE Kit
As your child progresses through Penistone Grammar School, they will also grow. We are proud to have a large collection of pre-loved uniform and PE items if your child’s clothing becomes too small, damaged or even lost. If you require support with uniform or PE kit your child can ask at The Bridge, or we have a uniform clothing request form on our school website. Please note, if your child forgets a piece of school uniform, the item will be lent but a consequence line will be issued. This also applies to the PE Kit.
Wellbeing Products
We also have a wide range of personal grooming and cleanliness products as well as sanitary products if your child should need these. These can be sourced from any member of staff within The Bridge.
Trips & Visits
We understand that the one thing students remember about school is the trips and visits and we want to make them as accessible as possible. If your child is invited on a trip that is required for their studies, we will offer to pay 100% of the costs. We also offer to pay 20% of the costs if the trip is non-educational. When your child is invited on a trip or visit, you will receive an additional letter asking how much support you would like.
Please note, we monitor the equipment given to students to check for reoccurrences and will have supportive conservations if we identify students’ poor organisational skills. The provision will follow the schools VDE if required. The Bridge has experienced colleagues who are here to support your child to ensure they have the best possible experience at Penistone Grammar School. There will be bumps in the road but this is part of every child’s journey through school, but we will support them every step of the way.