
Penistone Area Partnership
As the 23/24 academic year comes to an end the Penistone Area Partnership will not be offering a School Direct route into teaching.
Following the DfE changes we will be supporting the traditional PGCE route, working with;
Sheffield Teacher Training Alliance (Sheffield Teacher Training Alliance - Home (sheffieldtta.org))
Tykes Teaching Alliance (Tykes Teaching Alliance (tykestsa.education))
National Modern Languages (National Modern Languages SCITT - Home)
Sheffield Hallam University (Home | Sheffield Hallam University (shu.ac.uk))
University of Sheffield (Home | The University of Sheffield)
University of Huddersfield (University of Huddersfield)
If you are interested in training in a supportive, evidence informed school please apply through one of our partners.
If you have any questions about getting into teaching contact our ITT lead, Jason Steele via ite@penistone-gs.uk