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Religious & Citizenship Studies

Available at KS3 & 4. Includes Belief & Ethics, Citizenship, Health & Social Care

What valuable knowledge can I expect my child to gain?

Department Vision Statement

KS3 & 4

It is our shared vision to ensure that all students receive high quality Religious and Citizenship education in line with national standards. Students will develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural education through a holistic curriculum. Our programme is designed to stimulate and encourage individuals to be respectful, tolerant citizens in society capable of fostering healthy relationships. We aim to provide students with the knowledge, skills and qualities they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work beyond education.

Students are encouraged to explore beliefs, experiences and values whilst learning about themselves, becoming knowledge rich in the process. Students are encouraged to challenge and cite misconceptions, whilst developing their own personal understanding about faith, meaning and morality.

Year Group

Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term

Y7 (RE)

Why are these places special?

Why are these words special?

Hindi Beliefs about God


External provider: GamCare

Home Learning:

2 x quiz


2 x quiz


2 x quiz


Y7 (Citizenship)

My body and Me (Part 1)

What makes Britain Great?

What makes Britain Great?

My Body and me (Part 2)


External provider: GamCare

Home learning:

2 x quiz


2 x quiz


2 x quiz


Y8 (RE)

Faith in Society

Role models and Social justice

Role models and Social justice

Evil and suffering

Evil and suffering

Home Learning:

2 x quiz


2 x quiz


2 x quiz


Y8 (Citizenship)

Health and Relationships


Rights and Responsibilities

Home Learning:

2 x quiz


2 x quiz


2 x quiz


Y9 (RE)

Science vs. Religion

War and Peace



(RSHE: External provider

Spectrum Health, dates subject to change due to availability)

Home Learning:

2 x quiz


2 x quiz


2 x quiz


Y9 (Citizenship)

Health and Wellbeing (Citizenship)

Crime and Punishment



(RSHE: External provider

Spectrum Health, dates subject to change due to availability)

Home Learning:

2 x quiz


2 x quiz


2 x quiz


Y10 Core RCS (1 hour per fortnight)



Finance / Money

Finance / Money

External visitors: The Money Charity

Spectrum health

(subject to change due to availability)

Home Learning:

2 x quiz

2 x quiz

2 x quiz

Y10 Core RCS (2 hours per fortnight)

Social Justice





Finance / Money

Finance / Money


Change your mindset – exam preparation


External visitors: The Money Charity

Spectrum health

(subject to change due to availability)

Home Learning:

2 x quiz

2 x quiz

2 x quiz

Y11 (1 hour per fortnight)

RSHE (part 1)



RSHE (part 2)

RSHE (part 2)


Change your mindset – exam preparation

Home Learning:

2 x quiz

2 x quiz

2 x quiz

Y11 (2 hours per fortnight)

RSHE (part 1)




External visitors Spectrum Health (subject to change due to availability)

RSHE (Part 2)

Change your mindset – exam preparation

Home Learning:

2 x quiz

2 x quiz


2 x quiz

 BTEC Tech Award Health & Social Care


Component 1

Human Lifespan Development

Component 1

Human Lifespan Development (continued)

Component 2

Health & Social Care Services & Values

Home Learning:

Weekly: exam practice tasks linked to Component 1

Weekly: exam practice tasks linked to Component 2

Weekly: exam practice tasks linked to Component 3


Component 2

Health & Social Care Services & Values


Component 3

Health & Well-being

Revision / exam preparation for Component 3

Home Learning:

Weekly: exam practice tasks linked to Component 1

Weekly: exam practice tasks linked to Component 2

Weekly: exam practice tasks linked to Component 3

 GCSE Citizenship


Life in Modern Britain

Life in Modern Britain


Rights and Responsibilities

Rights and Responsibilities


Active Citizenship

Home Learning:

Weekly: PPQ and retrieval quizzes alternately

Weekly: PPQ and retrieval quizzes alternately

Weekly: PPQ and retrieval quizzes alternately


Active Citizenship


Politics and Participation

Politics and Participation



Revision / exam preparation

Home Learning:

Weekly: PPQ and retrieval quizzes alternately

Weekly: PPQ and retrieval quizzes alternately

Weekly: PPQ and retrieval quizzes alternately

 GCSE Belief and Ethics


Marriage and family


Christian beliefs and practices

Islam beliefs and practices

War, Peace and Conflict

Christianity beliefs and practices

Home Learning:

Weekly – PPQ / quizzing

Weekly – PPQ / quizzing

Weekly – PPQ / quizzing


Religion and life


Islam beliefs and practices

Crime and punishment


Home Learning:

Weekly – PPQ / quizzing

Weekly – PPQ / quizzing

Weekly – PPQ / quizzing / Revision

A Level Philosophy, Religion and Ethics


Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Christian Thought (running concurrently)

Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Christian Thought (running concurrently)

Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Christian Thought (running concurrently)

Home Learning:

Various activities (reading / podcasts PPQ, revision etc) set twice weekly

Various activities (reading / podcasts PPQ, revision etc) set twice weekly

Various activities (reading / podcasts PPQ, revision etc) set twice weekly


Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Christian Thought (running concurrently)

Philosophy, Ethics and Developments in Christian Thought (running concurrently)

Exams & exam preparation

Home Learning:

Various activities (reading / podcasts PPQ, revision etc) set twice weekly

Various activities (reading / podcasts PPQ, revision etc) set twice weekly


Overview & Timetable
Essential Knowledge Year 9

Meet the Team

Mrs R Needham

Curriculum Area Leader: Religious & Citizenship Studies

Mrs L Clapham

Second in Department

(Acting Curriculum Area Leader)

Mrs H Halawani-Jackson

Teacher of RCS (Acting Second in Department) 

Mr S Vickers

Teacher of RCS

Miss N Steeples

Teacher of RCS

Mrs Z Allen

Teacher of RCS

Mr J Williams

Teacher of RCS

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