As part of the ongoing drive to improve pupil attendance levels, recent amendments to Government regulations on the registration of pupils in education mean that the Principal may no longer grant leave of absence during term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances. BMBC have given examples of "exceptional circumstances" as where there is a case of serious illness or family bereavement only.
For more detailed information on leave of absences / holidays in term time, please see our attendance policy.
Please also note the change to BMBC absence policy which now states that in the event of unauthorised absence, both parent may be issued with a fine. For further information, please visit the BMBC website.
At Penistone Grammar School good attendance and punctuality are of the highest priority. We strongly believe that one of the best ways families can support our students is ensuring that they attend school on every single day possible. Each student has an attendance target of 97% for the school year and we are extremely proud of the fact that a high percentage of our students will finish the school year with attendance at or above this level.
We very much appreciate the support of the parents/carers and families of these students as we know that by working together, we help our students gain the best possible outcomes.
Excellent attendance at school is crucial if students are to reach their full potential. If a student is aiming high, they need to be determined to attend school on time every single day. Every day or lesson missed is a day or lesson lost.
Students are expected to be in school ready to start learning by 08:17 each day. Students who arrive late to school will receive a Late line.
Late lines are part of our VDE system and will be handled according to the policies associated with this. Support will be given by the Attendance Team to improve students’ punctuality; this will involve meetings with students and parents as well as normal VDE outcomes.
If a student is persistently late to school, we may have no alternative but to make a referral to the Educational Welfare Service who will conduct an assessment and implement appropriate interventions.
Students are expected to arrive on time to each of their lessons throughout the school day. Students who arrive late to lesson will receive a Behaviour line.
Behaviour lines are part of our VDE system and will be handled according to the policies associated with this.
What to do if your child is absent from school
Please report any absences on our Student Absence line 01226762114 (option 1), direct Line 01226760851 or email with your child’s name, year group and reason for absence.
For safeguarding reasons, please continue to phone on each day that your child is absent. In the case of absences where no contact has been received from parents/carers, we will send a text message advising you of the absence and asking for an explanation. When students have been absent for several days consecutively, one of our support team will contact home to discuss the absence and offer any support required.
Absence for medical reasons
If a student becomes ill at school they should speak to a member of staff who will arrange for an assessment about whether they should remain in school, or whether it is necessary for us to contact a parent/carer to collect the student. Under no circumstances should a student call home and ask to be collected without first speaking to a member of staff.
If a student suffers an injury or illness which requires specific arrangements to be put in place, a risk assessment will need to be completed before they can return to lessons. It is important that parents/carers contact school to make an appointment to attend with the student on their return to school following the injury/illness so that the risk assessment can be signed. Until the risk assessment is in place, we will be unable to let students access mainstream lessons for their own safety.
Should it be necessary for students to be absent from school for a prolonged period of time due to a medical condition, we ask that students are assessed by a medical professional and that evidence of their medical condition is provided to school.
Attendance and Punctuality Rewards
At Penistone Grammar School we believe that strong attendance and punctuality are essential elements of a student’s school career; these life lessons will not only increase the probability of a student achieving to the very best of their ability but also prepare them for life after school. We work hard with our students and their families to embed these principles throughout their school experience.
Throughout the school year we reward students’ attendance in various ways. We aim to offer each of our students the opportunity to celebrate strong attendance and punctuality either as an individual or as part of a group